With the dust finally settling on the Ambassador & Friends beta, we want to catch you up on all the exciting things that were pulled off with the help of our Ambassadors.
For the first time ever, we held a ‘My Mayhem Moments’ contest with our players to see who can submit a video or stream that was creative and showed off Mayhem gameplay. The Mayhem team was blown away by the effort and high quality of the submissions, but in the end GamingwithNick walked away with the win and tons of Mayhem Swag to share with his audience. The runner-up winners were PowPK and JustM1kePlays. In addition to this contest, we held another tournament featuring some of the toughest Mayhem clans around. At the conclusion of the tournament, one team was left standing Team Wonderboyz (Triggah Mike, Alex15, Xli). Similar to prior tournaments this victory earned the Wonderboyz a chance to play against the devs in a best of five showdown. That series featured drama unlike anything that came before it with the devs barely squeaking away with a victory. You can watch the drama unfold here.
Thanks to our ambassadors sharing the beta invite link with their friends, we introduced Mayhem to over one thousand new players. Now, we are getting ready for the biggest beta yet with Mayhem launching on Google Play’s Early Access and TestFlight for iOS users first week of April. We can’t wait to see all of you in the Mayhem arena!
-Team Mayhem