Chobolabs Invades SXSW

We are excited to announce that Chobolabs is going to SXSW!

Everyone coming to SXSW Gaming will be able to get a first look at our upcoming game Mayhem in the general area of the Gaming Arena, Mar 17  to 19, 12-8p.

Feeling ambitious? Mayhem, alongside Vainglory and Hearthstone, has been chosen to participate in South by Southwest’s Gaming Arena tournament on Friday, Mar 18, 5-8p. Compete in 3v3 deathmatch to win an NVIDIA Shield tablet among other prizes!

If you want to say hello, feel free to drop by stand 318, the booth of our kind hosts 3blackdot, where we’ll be setting up a private 3v3 area and talking about our plans for Mayhem. Or come listen to our Co-Founder and CEO, Deyan Vitanov, who will be speaking at a panel on marketing games through social media at 5.30p on Thu, Mar 17.

Since this will be the first time that players other than friends and family will be checking out the game, we are particularly excited to get players’ feedback on the alpha build during the event. We plan to listen and iterate on the game so that we can launch an incredibly fun team multiplayer action game.

As part of the event, we will also be kicking off pre-registration for the game at Sign up to get an exclusive Founder’s Crate at launch!

P.S. None of this would be possible without the awesome help of many people, including Angelo Pullen, Luke Stepleton, Marwan Abderrazzaq, Montse Covis, Ryan DeSanto, Guy Costantini, Ann Lai, and Alec Lai. Thank you all!